Thursday, April 12, 2012

Haywire Thursday!!

Today was endlessly awesome!!
I had barely 45mins of sleep since yesterday. Don't ask why.. 
Oh wait... I think it's coz I'm thinking and freaking out about APRIL 29!!! -I just couldn't sleep!-

Arrived at the gym around 5:45pm. Feizal was already there and working out. 
I did some stretches, then tried to do a body weight pull up. 
Moved on to the pull up machine and did 3 x 15 reps. 

Followed by 3 sets of the Shoulder-Chest Combo.
- Standing up Shoulder Press with end twist (10 reps)
- Push-up + Alt Elbow Row (10 reps)

Next, Triceps dips (3 x 15 reps) between benches with Feizal. Then Hiap Wei arrived.
Brought my research on Men's Health online. All agreed to do it after our quick run. 

Feizal, Hiap Wei, Mark & I ran 5.6km in about 40mins. Anticlockwise half way round the lake, climbed the fence (backwards through the Carcosa) up the hill and down back into Lake Gardens. Ran to Deer Park, up the hill (the boys sprinted! I tried to keep up), took a left turn and followed the road back to RLC. Sprinted last 50m from the guard house. Good run!

Back at the gym, we did the supposedly "circuit training" continuously. 
- Prisoner Jump Squats (25 reps)
- Spider Push Ups (20 reps)
- Narrow Stance Body Weight Squat (30 reps)
- Spiderman Climb (30 reps)
- Push Ups (option: with knuckle) (20 reps)
- Total Body Extensions (looked like a cool down workout or a wave at a concert! *LOL*) (30 reps)
- X-Body Mountain Climbers (30 reps)
- Pull Ups (2 x 8 reps) with help from Hiap Wei supporting my legs

Last for this session: 2 sets of 4 stations AB workout.
- Decline AB Crunch (50 reps)
- Seated Leg Tuck (50 reps)
- Cable Crunch @ 15 (15 reps)
- Inclined Leg Raises (20 reps)
Ended with 15 AB Roll-outs. 
Couldn't get enough but had to go for the meeting. 

*Sinfully Delicious Intermission - Youth Sub-Committee Meeting with mixed grill platter* 

Came back to the gym around 9:15pm. 
Did some stretches then Mountain Climbers Combo with Yoga Ball. 
- Hands on Ball, normal Mountain Climbers (10 reps)
- Hands on Ball, Spiderman Climb (10 reps)
- 10 push ups/ spiderman push ups
- Squats (15 reps)
- Repeat 3 sets

Next, the Back & Leg Combo:
- Squats with Bar at Squat Rack (15 reps)
- Deadlifts / Row + Deadlifts (15 reps)
- Repeat 3 sets

Tricep-Shoulder Combo:
- Triceps dips between two benches (15 reps)
- 15 Push Ups / Spider Push Ups
- Repeat 3 sets
- Lats Pull Down
- Close Grip Bicep Pull Down
- Repeat 2 sets
- 1 Negative dip
- Triceps Pull Down
- Repeat 3 sets

2 sets of Bicep Curl @ 30lbs - 10 reps


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