Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gung-Ho Monday!!

Gah!! Just found out I've been spelling the wrong name for "Hew"!! It's actually H-I-U!!
And he asked why did I need the spelling for...LOL.

Arrived at the gym around 6:11pm. Feizal and Adrian was already there. Minutes later, Hiu walked in.
(it looks weird seeing Hiu after all these time spelling Hew)
Initially, I was going to lift. Got some inspirations and was gonna do some hardcore muscle-killer-workouts! But instead, I succumbed to running.

Did some warm up - the Single Leg Deadlift to shoulder press with Li Hui and Adrian.

Hiu, Feizal, Aziz, Adrian and I agreed on a SLOW run. These few last runs, we actually honored the word "slow". Started off the same route - clockwise to the fence, climbed over to the road leading up to Carcosa and back into Lake Gardens through the stairs (this was at 16mins, reminding each other when one is too fast). Continued anticlockwise around the lake and up towards the Deer Park. But instead of going up the Deer Park Hill, we went straight on the upward-slope road instead, passing the amphitheater on the left; took a left and headed back to RLC. All that took us 00:34:29, about 5km.

Did 5 Chin Ups before having to leave for the Youth Sub-Committee Meeting at 7:30pm.

After the meeting, around 8:50pm, Hiu, Feizal and I ran 20mins to downtown KL, behind Tune Hotel to help out with Soup Kitchen. It was an interesting experience! So many homeless people queuing up to receive food and drinks. Today was special as HSBC donated toiletries! We helped distribute drinks till about 9:45pm and ran back to RLC in 19:55mins. 

Actually debated to stay for another round of workout but the gym was closing and was getting late... so we all went home.


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